How It Works
Applicant Screening
Job candidates who enter the Employment Services program are involved in varied and in-depth work experience called Discovery. The Discovery program is made up of 4-6 assessment sites per person. These sites are based on the individual’s interests and skill sets. This allows us to match your company with a qualified and efficient employee who will enjoy being a productive member of your team.
Job Analysis
Southern Oregon Aspire works with you to identify tasks within your business that will become the job for the candidate. We specialize in tailoring part-time positions ranging from 8–20 hours per week which favor efficient redistribution of tasks and existing workloads. The result will be a comprehensive job description that meets your expectations.
On The Job Training
Our qualified Job Coaches will first learn the job duties themselves, per your requirements and then provide the complete training and job coaching to the candidate until the new employee meets your standards and is able to be successful on their own. Job Coaches are provided by Southern Oregon Aspire at NO cost to your company. Your business pays only the hourly wage of the person that you hire.
Ongoing Support
After a job candidate is placed in your company, our Job Developer works closely with you to ensure a good job match has taken place for both the employee and employer. By partnering with Southern Oregon Aspire, you will gain responsible, creative, productive employees who in turn will gain a sense of accomplishment and pride in the work they do with your company. Together we can provide a WIN-WIN partnership.