Job Recruitment, Training, Placement, and Coaching Services
Inspiring People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Employment Services
Small Group Supported Employment
Small Group Supported Employment provides individuals an opportunity to learn job skills and build their resume while working
in businesses that are operated by Southern Oregon Aspire. People not only learn the skills and develop the abilities required in a specific job, but also gain transferable skills and abilities that will help them to succeed in other work environments.
Discovery Process
Discovery is a person-centered process that supports a career seeker to find a role that matches a person’s interests and skills. The process is made up of 4-6 assessment sites per person. These sites are chosen based on the individual’s interests and skill sets with the goal of creating a customized Discovery Profile for every individual to further their career goals.
Employment Path Services
Employment Path Services help an individual develop general employment skills through time-limited work experiences in the community. By identifying employment goals through hands-on, person-centered experiences, individuals will gain the confidence and skills necessary to gain an employment opportunity that fits their needs.
At Southern Oregon Aspire, we believe all individuals should be able to work in our community, develop valuable career skills, and gain confidence in their abilities.
We specialize in tailoring part-time positions ranging from 2–25 hours per week. We partner with a wide range of businesses and organizations across Josephine County to help create a more equitable and inclusive workforce in the Rogue Valley.
If you or someone you care about is interested in employment, please reach out to us at Southern Oregon Aspire to learn more about programs, services, and eligibility. You can also speak directly with your case manager.
"What type of job support is available to me?"

Job Development
A Job Developer works with you and employers in our local community to identify or create positions within a workplace. They support you through the process with job applications and interview prepping.
Job Coaching
Job Coaches directly support you (the career seeker) who may be starting a new job or learning new tasks at an existing job. Coaches help with transitioning to integrated employment and adjusting to daily routines at the workplace as well as ongoing support and advancement of career goals.
Small Group Employment offers TWO businesses that provide opportunities for building valuable job skills:
Janitorial Services
This is a full scale janitorial business with both day and evening crews. The crews are responsible for full scale cleaning of many buildings in the Grants Pass area. The crews work under the direction of a job coach who provides the training, support, and oversight necessary for people at all ability levels to succeed in this line of work.
Landscape Maintenance Services
Our landscape crews can be seen all around town providing services to businesses and residential customers. In this business supported employees not only learn the skills to further their career goals but also learn to use and maintain the specialized equipment necessary to work in this field.